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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Embassy of Algeria in Accra

Commemoration of the 62nd anniversary of the National Day of Victory

Commemoration of the 62nd anniversary of the National Day of Victory
The Algerian Embassy in Accra commemorated today the sixty-two (62nd) anniversary of the National Day of Victory, corresponding to March 19 of each year. During this ceremony the national flag was raised, the listening of the national anthem and the recitation of the Fatiha of the Holy Quran were performed in memory of our chouhada.
On this occasion, the Ambassador also delivered a speech to the staff of the Embassy and some members of the sport and journalistic delegation participating in the ongoing African Games in Accra (Ghana). He highlighted the importance of this historic event to revive national memory, to consolidate the principles of our glorious revolution and to recall the sacrifices of our people for their freedom and independence.                                                                       
Long live Algeria, glory to our braved martyrs.
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